Common Modern Family Structures

Whether you have kids, fur children or you’re a grandparent raising a grandchild in your home, there are so many ways to be a loving family. In this guide, we’ll discuss family structures, and (spoiler alert!) – we’ll learn a lot along the way.
Common Modern Family Structures

Humans – we’ve come a long way since our cavepeople days. But when it comes to different kinds of family structures, it’s obvious that they’re all beautiful and unique in their own ways.

What used to be known as a ‘traditional family structure’ has changed over the years. These days, family units are far more diverse, and society at large is far more accepting of different kinds of family structures (and thank goodness for that!) And thanks to this fab thing called popular culture and attitude changes, we’re finally seeing our lives more accurately reflected on our screens and in books. Yay for that!

So, what are the different kinds of family structures that are becoming increasingly more prevalent around the world? Let’s get into it.

The traditional, nuclear family

We’d all be familiar with the nuclear family. It’s typically two parents who have at least one child. ‘Nuff said.

The single-parent family

Loving single-parents deserve all the good karma in the world, tbh. And yes – it does take a village to raise a child, but at the end of the day, it will likely be that single parent stepping up and carrying the care load for the child. Single parents are true rockstars.

The childless family

Some adults don’t want children. Some adults can’t have children. Some adults are trying to have children, but are experiencing difficulties conceiving. Some adults have sadly lost children. Whatever the case, these families are also families.

The grandparent family

Sometimes, children live with a grandparent or two grandparents. There are plenty of reasons for this, like if the parents are deceased, mentally or physically unwell, deemed unable to care for their child, or if there has been an abandonment. In some instances, the parent or parents are still present in the child’s life, but are not primary guardians.

The big, extended family

This is when two or more adults (who are either related genetically or by marriage) live together in the same home. This may include uncles, aunties, cousins or grandparents who are helping to care for children, or family members caring for elderly parents. This is quite a common living situation in some cultures.

The blended family

When parents get divorced and later remarry or repartner, and the partner has children of their own, this creates a blended family. Blended families can be super fun! At first thought, our minds take us to the Cheaper By The Dozen movies or The Brady Bunch, but when there are so many personalities around, of course it can be hard to manage. The truth is that every family is unique; there is no one universal experience to be had in a blended family.

Wrap up

As you can see, there are so many different kinds of families, and many ways to raise a child with the help of your genetic or chosen family. It’s important to remember that no matter what shape or form they take, all families are families, and no one family structure is the best (or the worst!).

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