The Benefits of Prepaid Funerals

The average cost of planning a private funeral service in Australia today can be between $4,000 and $15,000. To make things easier for your loved ones, why not take the financial burden out of the equation by planning ahead and prepaying for your funeral?
What is a prepaid funeral?
Now for the helpful explainer you’ve all been waiting for! A prepaid funeral is a legally-binding deal that you make with a funeral provider. It ensures that when you pass away, the services you paid for will be provided – at no added cost. People often choose this option to ease their family’s worries and make it easier for them when the time comes. It also helps your family know exactly what you want for your final farewell, so no one’s left doing any guesswork.
The benefits of prepaid funerals
Steer clear of inflation and avoid financial distress down the line
Inflation is the cheeky bugger that just keeps on climbing the career ladder and making more money – at our cost, of course. When you prepay for your funeral with Willed, you are protecting your loved ones (and your future self) from rising costs by locking in today’s (very affordable) price.
Tailor your funeral to your taste
The best part about planning your funeral is that you can have the send-off you’ve always wanted (or that you think “future you” would appreciate). Whether you’re insisting that everyone drink a glass of whisky in your honour, specifying your cremation or even including music and speech instructions, your funeral could be uplifting, inspiring and cathartic for many. It’s completely up to you.
Make the most of instalment plans
At Willed, we offer two types of payment options for prepaid funerals.
You can either:
1. Pay the lump sum upfront, or
2. Pay in instalments.
Paying upfront means you don't have to worry about any further payments. It’s a quick and easy option for those who have the funds available in their current budget. Paying upfront also means you won’t have to manage your budget in the long term.
On the flip side, if you’d rather not pay the full cost at once, instalments may be the better option for you.
A couple of things to note
Ah, yes. The fine print – hello our small friend. If you’re receiving a pension, your payments can be aligned with your pension payment, too. There is also a small fee for paying in instalments, but it’s made manageable as it’s split across the total number of payments.
Wrap up
So, is it worth prepaying for your funeral? All signs point to yes.
Want to learn more? Have a read of these information-packed guides:
Oh, hey there! Our team of patient, experienced and compassionate funeral planners are here to support you. We will pair you with a dedicated planner so you can speak with the same person each time. Get a free quote now.
Disclaimer: The content of this blog is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. This blog should not be relied upon as legal, financial, accounting or tax advice.