No More Excuses: Why You Shouldn't Put Off Writing Your Will

It’s easy to say you’ll ‘just do it later’ and that ‘there’s no real rush’ to get your Will written. But here’s why putting off your Will is likely a bad idea (sorry to break it to you).
No More Excuses: Why You Shouldn't Put Off Writing Your Will

Wills are important legal documents worth putting time and effort into – and they’re worth prioritising, no matter what stage of your life you’re at. Whether you have dependents, a home, money in a bank account (yes, even if there isn’t much in there!), possessions, a car, or any other assets, a Will will ensure that everything you own is dealt with according to your wishes when you pass away.

And – while this is certainly a little grim – we unfortunately can’t always predict when we’ll die, so ensuring we’re prepared for when the inevitable does happen (whether we expect it or not) is pretty important.

Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t procrastinate when it comes to writing your Will

If you have children writing a Will is crucial

Having little ones (or big ones!) means you’ll likely want to choose a guardian to look after them in the case of your death. In your Will, you can nominate a person or people to be the legal guardian(s) of your child(ren) should you pass away.

The person or people you choose will be responsible for caring for your kids’ health, needs and wellbeing. You can also leave your kids with a home (ie. The home you already own, if you own one) to grow up in. You can also stipulate how your financial and other assets will be divided between your children.

If you own assets, you should decide how they are divided

This doesn’t have to refer to home or car ownership. Assets can also include things like technology and jewellery, as well as intangible things like shares. Chances are, you’ll want to ensure these items land in the hands of the people of your choosing (known as beneficiaries). Stipulating which assets should be given to certain people will make estate distribution a whole lot easier when you pass away.

If you want to avoid causing family arguments, set out your wishes

Writing a Will is the best way to ensure everything you own is dealt with according to your wishes. When a Will hasn’t been written and a person has passed away, it’s common for conflict to arise within families. We’ve heard many stories about individuals arguing over the assets they feel they are most entitled to. While arguments can still arise when a Will has been written, a Will can make the process of estate distribution way easier and a little less argumentative.

If you have a pet, you can choose who takes care of them

No kids? Think that means you don’t have to write a Will? Well, we’re sorry to say: You’re so wrong. What’ll happen to your pet once you pass? Who will care for them? It’s important to ensure all areas of your life are covered in the case of your unexpected (or expected) death. We wouldn’t want Mr. Fluffy to be left all alone, with family members fighting over him.

Wrap up

A little procrastination is healthy, but procrastinating on big things like Will-writing isn’t always a good idea. With Willed, you can write your Will online in just 15 minutes – and that’s a pretty short amount of time to get your affairs in order (you can literally write it on the train on your way to work, or in an Uber as you head into the city for dinner). While we all like to think we’ll live forever (that’d be pretty cool), it’s important to prepare for the inevitable to alleviate the stress and burden your loved ones might face in the case of you not having a Will at the time of your death. Take matters into your hands with Willed.

Need some tips on estate distribution? Read our guide here.

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