10 Ways To Take Action & Get Organised This New Year

With so much happening at the end of the year, it’s not uncommon for important tasks to slip through the cracks. Here are our top tips on maintaining control and organisation this New Year – you’ll likely want to get started on some of them before we hit 2024, while others might be a little more January-friendly.
Make A List
No, we don’t mean a New Year’s Resolution list (but there could be some overlap!). The best way to start organising your life is to make a list of all the things you know you need to do – paying bills, finishing work projects, calling a plumber to fix that leak in your bathroom. Not only will you feel pretty accomplished when you finally tick off those to-do’s, but you’ll experience that epic serotonin rush we know all too well from ticking things off.
Declutter and Clean
Cleaning isn’t everyone’s favourite activity (we can vouch for that), but trust us when we say there’s no better feeling than living in a clean and tidy space. Add ‘cleaning’ to your list, take it one room at a time, and who knows – you might even be one of those people who falls in love with cleaning afterwards. (Kidding, we know that’s unlikely).
Meal Prep
Between Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Google, it’s never been easier to find new ways to effectively prepare your meals for the week. Whether you’re sticking to a strict diet or wanting to find ways to save time and/or money, meal prepping can be a great way to add a little more order to the chaos. Simply purchase the ingredients you’ll need, prep the food, and eat. No decision-fatigue or deep-thinking required.
Set Goals
Make sure you set goals for yourself, and make sure they’re realistic. This can also act as your list of New Year’s resolutions or your Bucket List. Whatever you call it, getting your goals written down early means you’ll have even more time to try and accomplish them.
Create a Routine
Having a routine makes it much easier to achieve everyday tasks. Small things like making your bed when you wake up or going for a daily walk can relieve a lot of stress, especially when they’re completed regularly.
Write Your Will
The end of the year can spark a lot of reflection. It can make us think about our future, which is often stressful. Writing a Will is a great way to relieve yourself from that stress – it means that when the inevitable does happen, your assets will be divided according to your wishes. You can even go a step further and prepay for your funeral or cremation.
Organise Your Important Documents
Having an effective filing system at home can be a great way to stay on top of all your affairs. Storing documents like medical forms, tax receipts and bills, power of attorney documents and a Will – and knowing where they are at all times – is key.
Let Go Of The Bad Things
Let go of any projects you started and never finished during the year, let go of any petty grievances you might be harbouring, and find some space for forgiveness – it is the festive season, after all.
Hold On To The Good Things
Call your friends and family to tell them you love them, hold onto items in your home that have sentimental value (and never throw them away!), and consider creating a photobook filled with your favourite memories from the year that was. This can be a lovely way to reflect on your year while practising gratitude.
Celebrate The Little Wins
Remember to take it easy, and to look after yourself. The end of the year can be tough for all of us in many different ways. It’s important to take time out to celebrate finishing your to-do list, paying a bill, or even just cleaning your bedroom. Every win is a good win, no matter how small.